Javier Ghaemi
Javier Ghaemi is a multi-disciplined designer with experience in working across print, web and product design. He has worked on websites for brands such as GQ and Vogue and is excited by responsive design, web fonts and designing for touch devices. Follow him at @onlinedesigner2 or at www.javierghaemi.co.uk.
Why I quit my dream job in web design
Always do what you love. That’s what they say, right? If you follow your dreams and try to make it in the field that…
Designing the new, fully responsive wired.co.uk article pages
Recently, Condé Nast Digital undertook a complete redesign of the articles published on wired.co.uk. The aim was to…
How to develop a responsive workflow
Remember the good old days? You know which days I'm talking about; the days not so long ago when we used to design…
Is Photoshop dead?
I guess a more suitable title might be ‘is Photoshop still an appropriate tool for designing typography on the web?’…
Stop designing for screen width, design for content
320, 768 and 1024. Do these numbers mean anything to you?
No, it’s not the Da Vinci code, they are the widths in pixels…