
Everything you need to know about the world of tech, from Web 3.0, to social networks and government legislation.

Design from the Beach: How to Work and Travel

Are you experiencing full wanderlust with a side order of burnout in the first week of the new year? Has the…

The Art of Persuasion: How to Handle Clients With Mad Ideas

Crazy, impractical, out-of-budget suggestions are a fact of life for web designers everywhere. A deeper understanding…

Forget Trick or Treat, Here are 5 Horrifying Technologies that Should Really Scare You!

Recent developments in AI have transformed our view of the future, and from certain angles, it doesn’t look pretty. Are…

Dark Mode Looks Good, But Is It Actually Hurting You?

There are a lot of concerns about how the technology we use affects us physically and emotionally. Too much time at a…

5 Unexpected UX Design Skills to Help You Level Up

Trying to land a job in UX design? There’s expected to be huge growth in this space in the coming years (with some…

Are You Too Old to be a Web Designer?

If you’re considering a career switch, or simply wondering if you’ll be able to keep up with the fast-paced and…

In Defence of Hacking

When your business is just getting started online, hacking seems like a purely bad thing: catastrophic at worst, and a…

Are Design Pitches Worthwhile?

Pitching can be time-consuming, confidence-shaking, and unprofitable. Here, we’ll try to answer the question, “Are…

8 Ways to Keep Your Startup Positively Aligned

Company alignment is all about ensuring that everyone is working toward the same objectives. The term is often…

Are Design Conferences Dead?

Globally, design conferences are in crisis. With even established and successful events wrapping for the final time,…

Freelance to Agency: Hiring Your First Employee

Many of you will eventually get to a point where it makes sense to hire an employee to join you. Just be careful,…

Does Your Choice of Web Host Affect Your Website?

When you design a website for a client, you’re in charge for the most part. You’re the one that’s mastered the art of…

It’s Time to Talk About Testimonials

Word-of-mouth marketing is one of the best ways to get new business — and high-quality business at that. But unless…

Internet Censorship is Here: How Far Will it Go?

Within hours of the recent mass shooting at a New Zealand mosque by a far-right terrorist, the country’s authorities…

Does Your Web Design Business Need a Rebrand?

How long ago did you start your design business or side gig? Three months? Three years? And how long has it been since…

Reputation Management 101

I really don’t need to explain how important your reputation is, do I? Short version: if people think you suck, either…

Design Your Website to Sell While You Work

Design work is very time consuming. But it’s not just the labor you put into building websites that takes time and…

5 Signs That Web Design Is Reaching Its Own Industrial Age

The Internet as a concept, and as a community, is much like a teenager: it’s struggling to establish its identity,…